Charting Freedom for Flowers book

Publisher Note

110723 Happy Veterans Day (11/11) week

EROSION. On a beach walk in Palm Beach in 2018, I captured in an image two things that I am passionate about that were visibly eroding, our Florida coastlines and our American Way of Life. In my recent inspirational gift book “Freedom for Flowers, The Secrets to Peace and Joy and Love Revealed by a Butterfly and Botanicals”, the flowers give insights about current day America and the erosion of The American Dream. Just like conservation efforts of our oceans and beaches, we can renew our understanding, appreciation, passion and protection of our Western Way of Life. Chart is sending much gratitude for our veterans of the United States Armed Forces for protecting what we hold dear, our freedoms.

Charting together,

Casey Tennyson, Author and Chart Publisher

@authorcaseytennyson on Facebook with books available on and other online bookstores

052724 Update … A selection of book reviews around Palm Beach …

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