Magazine Chart launched the “10th Anniversary” issue for 2018-19 Palm Beach season and has since published seven annual issues. The magazine was online-only for a few years after publishing in Winter Park for ten years.
Chart’s mission is to support charities and arts / creative people through highly efficient and effective targeted promotions. The mission statement of Chart magazine in print and online is to continue building a community of supporters of charities and arts / creative people.
Chart charity art collection, moveable art gallery of Florida artists, donated 20% of art sales to the art buyer’s charity of choice. Chart exhibited art in over 50 locations, and generated donations to over 150 charities through the art sales starting from 2005. Those charities were featured in the magazine articles. Effective 2012, Chart kept a small inventory of ocean theme art, in 2013 closed the gallery, and in 2015 stopped selling art as a gallery. As of 2021, Chart sells art at Charty Party events if the event is not sponsored for an artist or author.
As of 2018, Chart is promoting creative people, including artists, and charities with sponsored Charticles. A Charticle is a one page article with one photo and 250 words. Artists, authors, and other creative people can be featured in Chart Live events with a small sponsor fee and sell their own art, books, or creative products or services.
Advertisers and Sponsors benefit from highly targeted marketing opportunities and affiliation with a charity and art promotion. Charity plus art equals Chart! Sponsor your favorite charity or arts / creative person! Buy an ad or Charticle targeted to supporters of our two topics of charities and arts.
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Chart published by Cutting Edge Communications, Inc.
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