Chart Palm Beach issue 2018 – 19


Chart is proud to introduce the annual exclusive Palm Beach issue of Chart magazine for the 2018-19 season. After ten years of publishing, the magazine has been totally redesigned with sponsored one-page Charticles and a few feature articles. Online promotions and Chart Live events will round out promotional opportunities for those interested in Chart’s only two topics of charities and arts. Chart had a Palm Beach section for years and even a Palm Beach artist on the cover of a 2010 issue. Chart is proud now to be based in Palm Beach with an exclusive Palm Beach issue.

Chart PB 2018 web


GENTLEMEN’S CORNER GETS THEIR ADVERTISING MONEY BACK IN THE FIRST WEEK AFTER MAGAZINE RELEASE “The beauty of Chart Live events is the personal connection with people. In this day and age of computers, there’s nothing better than talking to people to learn about what they sell. Chart connects people. It’s good for the merchants and service providers networking at the Chart Live events, but it’s good for the customers, too. I walk by Gentlemen’s Corner all the time. I’ve never been in the store. At the first Chart Live event, I met the manager and she told me about the store so I went in the next day and made some great purchases. At the next Chart Live event, I told two more men about the store and now they plan to shop there, too. The personal connections made at the Chart events is really great for the Palm Beach community. Although I travel a lot, I prefer to shop local. Connections are key.” – Vince Cloud

WONDERFUL MAGAZINE “I just want to commend you for the lovely inaugural issue of Chart. You did a wonderful job of profiling an interesting and talented group of Palm Beachers!” – Author Lynn Mackle

INTERESTING CONTENT “There is a lot of interesting content in Chart magazine. I hope people actually read it. I read a few of the Charticles and learned new things about people I already knew. I plan to read the rest of them. With other local magazines, there are colorful photos, but after you flip through the pages once, there is no reason to keep the magazine. Chart is different in that is has rich content that readers will want to read cover to cover.” – Artist Susan Lundin

IMPRESSIVE EVENTS  “I wanted to compliment you on the Chart Live events. As a new member, I’m quite impressed with the venues, the donors, and the number of people attending your events. Your events are lively, people are engaged, everyone is networking and by all measures the events are successful. It’s amazing that you create the magazine and the events yourself. You are very talented.” – Dale West

GREAT DISTRIBUTION ON PALM BEACH ISLAND  “You’ve sprinkled Chart magazines all over the island like a dandelion. They’re at Taboo, Green’s, the bank, Earl’s (Earl Hollis Realtors) and everywhere I go! Great job on getting your magazine to Palm Beachers, who will definitely want to read it.” – Stan Fixler

OUTSTANDING “Chart is a beautiful magazine! You really do an outstanding job with it. Congratulations on a job well done.” – Author Valerie Ramsey

FASCINATING EVENTS “Any gathering under the auspices of Chart magazine publisher Casey Tennyson is always a special treat, because she attracts so many fascinating people of accomplishment in their respective fields. Meeting and speaking with them at Chart events is exciting!” – Bennett Evans Greene

RETURN ON ADVERTISING INVESTMENT “A short month after publishing, I got a client from my Charticle which paid for the advertising. More Chart readers have expressed interest in my services. I am pleased that the promotion was successful for me so quickly.” – Dr. Colleen Greene

WOW FACTOR “Wow! You created Chart in print, online and events so quickly, in just a few short months. It’s amazing to read the weekly e-mails, too. I’m impressed!” – Cheryl Dunne, Founder of West Palm Beach Welcome Bag

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