Charticle on Lisa LaFrance — The dynamo donor, leader and connector completed her term as president of Impact the Palm Beaches in spring 2024 and shares with Chart how she decided where to spend her volunteer time and what she plans to do next in the Palm Beach County Philanthropy world. With so many charitable choices in Palm Beach of where to spend time and resources, her advice is very helpful. Lisa is a marvelous example of a true philanthropist who not only donates financially but takes an active role in the causes she supports and the individuals she connects with in her charity leadership journey. Lisa is also a big arts enthusiast and seeks out opportunities to pair arts initiatives with community needs through nonprofit programs. Her combined passion for both charities and arts, Chart’s only two topics, make her the perfect philanthropist to profile in Chart magazine! She was featured in an online Charticle previously and Impact was on the back cover of the last Chart issue. Chart appreciates Lisa and all she does for the Palm Beach County community.